The Human v. Macy

Yesterday, I came home to a bunch of toys strewn about my place. I had left two toy totes on the couch as a way to block Macy and Loki from getting up there. Turns out, it didn’t have the effect I anticipated.

In my mind, I imagined some sort of scene like this playing out:

Macy: “Hey Loki, you’re tall. Why don’t you hop on the couch and get some toys down for us.”

Loki: “I don’t know Macy. I think your human wouldn’t want us to do that.”

Macy: “No, he’s totally cool with it. I do it all the time. He lets me do anything when he’s not here.”

Loki: “I don’t know Macy.”

Macy: “Wimp!”

Loki: “Hey! That hurt my feelings!”

Macy: “Sorry! There’s a really good bone up there. I’ll let you have it.”

Loki: “Ok!”

And then I imagined Loki shyly putting his paws on the couch and plucking a few toys out for Macy which she then went nuts on and tossed around my place.

Here’s what actually happened…

Loki’s exonerated and Macy has some explaining to do. 🙂

2 Replies to “The Human v. Macy

  1. probably went more like this Macy hey Loka can you get toys off the couch?
    Loka ya will it make you calm down so I can take a nap?
    Macy ya ya ya ya I promise it will keep me busy for at least 10 min. Then I will play or heard you up again ok!!!!
    Loka maybe you could let me rest for an hour!!!!
    Macy only if you have a way to get me peanut butter thats how my grandma does it!!!!

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