Snow Day – February 2022

Max and Macy enjoying an early morning romp through the snow.

And then there’s this B Side version ☺️ I’ll explain below…

Max has these little tufts of fur that grow around his paw pads. They’re horrible for the winter but for some reason they always make me think of “paws with the fuuurrrrr” which leads to “boots with the fur.” 😂

Happy Winter! ❄️ ⛄️

P.S. Bonus video of Macy that she really wants you to see.

Training Dogs Over The Years

I made this photo collage for an event at work where we shared one of our “Favorite Things.”

More than 3 years ago, I asked the Volunteer Coordinator at our shelter if they needed any help elsewhere in the shelter. She connected me with their Behavior Department that was looking for a few volunteers to work with dogs.

I had no idea how many things in my life would change with that one simple question.

When you’re younger, decisions where you look back and say “That changed things,” don’t seem that uncommon. When you get older, they seem to come by less often.

Looking back on that one choice, I can see so many things that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. It’s a little overwhelming to think about because I can’t imagine life without all those memories, people, and, of course, the dogs.

Max’s First “Reactive Rover” Class Tonight

I can’t help but think of Max’s First Reactive Rover training class tonight as a class for Bad Girl and Bad Boy Dogs.

So, until proven otherwise, this is how I’m imagining it’s going to go down.

Max is going to strut in in a black leather jacket (where’d he get that? I don’t know, but he looks pretty tough in it) and go over to one of the trainer’s bags, look at her, and just pee on it.

Another dog is going to burst in at the same time, get away from her owner, knock over a treat jar and not even eat the treats that spill out.

A third dog will be in the corner trying to go number two even though he doesn’t need to.

This is the class of punk misfits who come from the life of hard knocks. They don’t give a woof.

I can’t wait… but I will lower my expectations for the above happening. ☺️